VISD Mission Valley Construction

Designing the new Mission Valley Elementary School is well underway!

The Bond Oversight Committee (BOC) has been meeting monthly with the Rawley McCoy & Associates Architects to review the latest progress in the planning process. 

The Committee is made up of 14 participants; 12 were originally selected in March 2022. The BOC was established to provide radical transparency in the use of proceeds from the sale of bonds authorized by VISD. The charge of the Bond Oversight Committee is to serve as a community-based advisory group to monitor the effective and efficient implementation of the community-approved bond improvements.

To date, the BOC has met with every staff member to gain their input, invited community members to share their ideas, and met with all the students to hear their ideas. 

The design work will take place throughout the 2022-23 school year. In late spring, the Construction Manager At-Risk, Weaver & Jacobs, Constructors Inc., will present a Guaranteed Maximum Price to the Board of Trustees for the construction of the new school. Once approved, the construction work shall begin.

Before the construction, the current campus site will give up some structures for demolition and relocate students to other classrooms and portable buildings to start phase one of the new campus.

As construction begins, student and staff safety and retaining a comfortable learning environment remain a top priority and an essential part of our planning process.

Once construction commences, the construction site and the current campus site will be partitioned so that students can learn and construction can take place simultaneously. 

For more information about the work of the BOC, visit