Student Handbook

The Student Handbook is designated to be in harmony with Board policy and the Student Code of Conduct adopted by the Board. Please be aware that this document is updated annually, while policy adoption and revision is an ongoing process. Changes in policy that affect student handbook provisions will be communicated by newsletters and other communications to students and parents. These changes will generally supersede the provisions found in this handbook and made obsolete by the newly adopted policy. 

Please note the references to policy codes and regulations are included to help parents confirm current policy and practices. A copy of the District Policy Manual is available in the Superintendent's Office. Policies and regulations are also available at or here.

In case of conflict between Board policy or the Student Code of Conduct or any provision of the student handbook, the provisions of Board policy or the Student Code of Conduct that were most recently adopted by the Board are to be followed. Provisions of state and federal law supersede local policies.

For more information, reference the VISD Student Handbook link below:

2024-25 Student Handbook COMING SOON

The annual Student Handbook update will be posted prior to the first day of school.