Second and Third

If your child is a second or third grader in VISD Gifted services this year, here’s a service preview of what they will be doing:

*Designing a Garden-Students create a garden space with specific plants and growing requirements they have to adhere to, they will research careers in horticulture and botany and apply those skills to this gardening project. (TPSP)

*Paper vs. Plastic-Students will engage in a friendly team debate, where they will make an argument for either paper or plastic bags and then be required to defend their standpoint. (STEM)

*Origami Ecosystems-Gifted learners will create a model of an ecosystem, experiment with the art of origami paper-folding, and create origami animals that inhabit the ecosystem they selected. (STEM)

Second and Third

*Hey Little Ant-students learn about ant species of Texas.  They will observe and document physical characteristics of ants, as well as the ant life cycle. (TPSP)

*Catching the Wind: Designing Windmills, students explore the forces of wind and weather and their many applications in engineering an effective windmill design. (Engineering is Elementary)

*A Long Way Down: Designing Parachutes, this unit involves students exploring the solar system and understanding how conditions on other planets affect the design of technology. (Engineering is Elementary)