First Grade Preview

If your child is a first grader in VISD Gifted services this year, some project based learning that they will participate in includes:

*Hand Pollinators-In this unit, students get to explore insects and plants and apply agricultural engineering to solve a pollination problem. (Engineering Is Elementary)

*Worm's Eye View- students will integrate science, fine arts, and English language arts by creating a book that reflects their soil studies. (TPSP)

*Where In the World Is Your Neighborhood-This project involves using mapping skills, specifically landmarks, street names, cardinal directions and utilizing a map key. (STEM)

Semester 1

First Grade Preview

*Hey Little Ant-students learn about ant species of Texas.  They will observe and document physical characteristics of ants, as well as the ant life cycle. (TPSP)

*Catching the Wind: Designing Windmills, students explore the forces of wind and weather and their many applications in engineering to create a windmill. (Engineering Is Elementary)

*A Long Way Down: Designing Parachutes, this unit involves students exploring the solar system and understanding how conditions on other planets affect the design of technology as it applies to parachutes. (Engineering Is Elementary)

Semester 2